

Two new Illawarra bulls will become available in June this year from ABS.

ABSTREBLE (Ovensdale Pixie's Treble) is sired by the breed's number one BPI and HWI bull, Panorama Royal Treble and is backed by a super strong cow family.  Both the dam, Ovensdale Pixie 95 EX90 2E and a maternal sister Pixie 78 have won Champion of the Victoria On Farm Challenges and the second dam has over 80,000 lifetime litres.

ABSMANU (Eagle Park Manu) is an early son of high ASI and Farmer Likeability bull, ALTAMAXIMA.  His Dam, from the renowned Kangawarra stud, Kangawarra Malda 3075 VG88 has a high PI, show type and longevity.  Malda was Reserve Champion Cow at the 2012 Melbourne Royal and Reserve Champion 5-6 year old class in the most recent Real Australian photo comp.

For further information, click on the following or contact:
ABS Freecall: 1800 ABS BULL (1800 227 285)  
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :


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