
Murray Bridge Show Sept 2021

Judge Rupert Gazzola, “Benedetto” stud, Jervois, SA, did the honours in the Illawarra Section at 102nd Murray Bridge Show on September 25th, 2021. He then joined other breed judges for the Interbreed classes. Entry numbers were low, however, there was no lack of enthusiasm. Four schools exhibited across the breeds, and more than 40 youth took part in the 4 Interbreed Junior Handling classes.

Judge Rupert Gazzola with his 3 Champions.

20210925 110045 2 Judge with 3 champs resized for website

Baby Calf born from 1/1/21:
1st Unity College – Springvale Laurel 36
2nd NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Jasmine 7

Heifer 1 year:
1st Unity College – Springvale Honeymoon 109
2nd Unity College – Springvale Empress 10

Heifer dry, 1½ years:
1st Cooper Walton – Woodlane Jesulenko You Beauty 3

Heifer dry, 2½ & 2 years, dry:
1st NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven April 3
2nd DJ&KM Philbey – Edenvale Zapphire

Unity College – Springvale Honeymoon 109

20210925 102810 3 Juvenile Champion resized for website

NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven April 3

Heifer in milk, 2½ years:
1st NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 66

NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 66

20210925 103413 2 Intermediate Champ resized for website

Cow in milk, 4 years:
1st NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 65

NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 65

20210925 104128 3 Class 26 and Senior Champ resized for website

Supreme Best Vessel:
1st NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 66
2nd NW&MH Mueller – Glenhaven Dot 65

Group of 3 females any age:
1st NW & MH Mueller (Also 2nd place in Interbreed)
2nd Unity College

Sire’s Progeny Group:
1st NW&MH Mueller – Springvale Joseph

NW&MH Mueller (Also 2nd Most Successful over all breeds)

Participating Schools

20210925 094525 Urrbrae resized for website 320210925 094633 Unity resized for website 320210925 095653 MB High resized for website 220210925 095842 Coomy resized for website

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